
changing China

     China, the most rapidly changing country in the world, is my homeland. I love my country, but I have to admit, I am a little hard to adjust the pace of my country.
      When I am a child, I live in my granny's house, in a small poor village, maybe build 200 years ago like many villages in 农村 at that time in China. It is my happiest time in my life until now.那时候,我记得会有小贩来奶奶家门口卖馒头,他就喊着“馒头、馒头”,然后奶奶就和我们这些孩子出去买馒头,买回来当点心吃,the food that time is very clean, no pollution ,just made by themselves and of course very delicious. 但是我已经很久没吃到那么好吃的食物了。
     but now, I feel not happy, to be accurate, happy time is less than unhappy time. I dont know why ,maybe China changes too much, I am lost in a NEW China. I want to find happiness back, and I will do my best.

2 条评论:

  1. I try to understand your writing by help of google translate. I hope you can help to support me learning and knowing more about Mandarin. I miss my Laoshi, she will be far from Indonesia for long time because she will join training of Mandarin Teacher in China. She is an Indonesian, but She has a xing, 黄. So, I call her, 黄老师

    1. yes,mei wen ti. I will help you as many as I can.I suggest you buy a Indo-sino dictionary and listen to chinese songs.I think it will do a lot by this way.
